Monday, 25 July 2011

[Some form of pun on calendars]

I've been using Google Calendar for quite a while; I think I first started using it properly when I got my Android phone and realised I could keep all my appointments in one place, reducing the amount of haircuts I had to schedule four times (happened more than once). I've now got to the point where I add everything to it, and have made my calendar available to friends; indeed, I get annoyed when they text me asking where I'll be at a certain time instead of just looking!

I don't particularly use Calendar for work purposes: my day doesn't generally contain meetings etc, so I just block off the times I'm working - for this reason I've never worried about importing calendars from Outlook etc. I do use it to plan CPD activities and record job applications closing dates, however. I also have a separate calendar to record events in my dog's life; on depressing weeks, he can have more non-routine events than me!

This week's calendar; what an exciting life I lead...

Speaking of non-routine events, I have turned on functionality which is currently provided via Google Labs (and which I'm hoping will be integrated into the core options rather than disappearing when Labs closes) which dims recurring events such as 'work' to emphasise other activities. Other Labs functions include the ability to append Google Docs to an event (which I use for events programs and booking forms) and my snazzy background image of a Cybus-man.*

What else? I use 'all day event' to note the form which any day off takes (Annual Leave, Toil, or Professional Development Leave if I can wrangle it), as well as if I'm unsure of when an event will take place; I have pencilled-in events happening in June of next year already! I colour events according to their type, which allows me to glance back and forth for specific events. I do have a few external calendars (such as the CPD23 one), but I tend to leave these turned off unless I'm looking for something on them.

Overall, I find Google Calendar to be a useful tool, but it's not exactly the most exciting thing to write about. Any questions, please ask!

* Cybermen come from Mondas, Earth's twin planet; Cybus-men are clunky buggers from a parallel dimension. I will not accept they are the same!

1 comment:

  1. I may have to steal all of the ways you use google calenders. So, thanks
